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9.0.2 Shadowlands Discipline Priest Guide!

This guide seeks to give a rapid run-through of all the elements that shadowlands brings to the Discipline Priest and how to best make your decisions to prepare to play Disc!

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Healer Raid/M+ Ranks REVISED and Reviewed! What's changed before Shadowlands Release?

Reviewing my previous tier lists from two months ago, giving my thoughts on what has changed before release and how that affects my rankings for Healers in Castle Nathria and in Season 1 of Shadowlands Mythic+!

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My History in WoW! How I got into Raiding, Streaming and Guide Writing!

I've been streaming for over 7 years and raiding non-stop for almost 9 years. We're diving into the history of how I got into the game, got started streaming and the guilds I've played with over the years. Many lessons learned, hope you all enjoy!

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How much does the Meta MATTER?

Tier lists, Rankings and Opinions GALORE! But should YOU consider rerolling for Shadowlands? We dive into the reasons behind whether or not you should reroll and what it takes to succeed in Shadowlands' Castle Nathria raid!

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What Holy Priest NEEDS for Shadowlands

Diagnosing the changes to Holy Priest at the moment in Shadowlands beta, primarily in Mythic+. Where it stands and what it NEEDS to flourish in Shadowlands and beyond!

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Shadowlands Beta Mistweaver Monk Update!

The latest update on the State of Mistweaver, how they are playing in Shadowlands Beta, what is the covenant situation looking like, what legendaries are good, what I like, and what I'd like to see changed!

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